I have had the privilege of working closely with TechSoup Europe and their Hive Mind Platform on a wide range of projects like Megaphone or countering disinformation capacity building programs as one of their frequent collaborators. This time I'm happy to share my new article: "What to do if I or my team lack the energy to be productive?".
This practical guide outlines an approach to restoring energy and productivity for both individuals and teams during times of crisis. It offers actionable strategies and techniques to help reignite motivation and drive performance.
Read it here: https://en.hive-mind.community/blog/362,what-to-do-if-i-or-my-team-lack-the-energy-to-be-productive
ps. this article is also available in Polish: https://pl.hive-mind.community/blog/362,energia-i-produktywnosc-co-robic-gdy-jej-brakuje